BiggerSize is a male enhancement supplement that increases potency, a strong erection, strong orgasm, removing problems with premature ejaculation as well as enlargement and thickening of the penis.
As many as 70% of men would recommend the BiggerSize dietary supplement to another man.
The results can be felt even after 2-4 days of use.
Men confirm:
✓ Effective or very effective effect on changing the length of the penis
✓ A positive effect on the thickness of the penis
✓ Stronger and longer erection
✓ Possibility of multiple intercourse
✓ Control over premature ejaculation
BiggerSize dietary supplement improves sexual stamina, boosts your manhood and confidence, vitality and ability to attract women. Its unique formula with highly concentrated extracts (concentration up 20:1) builds your sexual performance.
The components dilate blond vessels to allow for the extra blood flow to the penis.
The corpora cavernosa expands to accommodate the blood when a man becomes sexually aroused. The penis enlarges and stiffens and erection can last much longer.
The full composition of Bigger Size capsules:
Maca Root Extract 4:1 95 mg, American Ginseng Root Extract 4:1 90 mg, Sarsaparilla Root Extract 4:1 75 mg, L-arginine 70 mg, Black Oat Herb Extract 10:1 50 mg, Gelatine
Bulking agent: microcrystalline cellulose
How to use
1 capsule twice a day taken with water.
NOTICE – Do not exceed recommended dosage of 2 capsules a day.
x60 Capsules
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