Man Plus+ Boost & Delay


SKU: 1599 Category:

Man Plus+ Boost & Delay is a food supplement for men, to be taken every day to maintain high sexual energy and to help prolong the sexual experience.

This product is specifically designed for men who want to have a daily boost to their libido and want to last longer. It is best suited for health conscious consumers who want that extra boost of the vitamins & minerals that help to sustain their sex drive, increase blood flow and make them healthier in the process. 2 capsules an be taken as little as 30 minutes before sex commences or as a daily regime.

Scientifically Formulated to Boost Libido and Delay Ejaculation

Contains L-Arginine, Maca Root & Ginseng

Scientific studies prove that ingredients increase T-Levels naturally.

EU Health Claim approved

x60 Capsules

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